Actress Jin Seoyeon runs four hours a day to stay in shape

[Celebrity Health] Actress Jin Seo-yeon Reveals the Secret to Her Fit Body

Actress Jin Seo-yeon has revealed her secret to staying in shape. The actress is known for maintaining a weight of 48 to 49 kilograms during filming, and is said to run for four hours a day. [source: Jin Seo-yeon Instagram]
The secret to actress Jin Seo-yeon's body management has been revealed. Recently, Jin Seo-yeon posted a photo on her social media with the caption "Sweating a lot." In the photo, Jin is seen winking in her sweat-soaked workout clothes after finishing a run. Previously, Jin mentioned on a broadcast that she maintains a weight of 48-49 kg at a height of 168 cm and that she sometimes runs for 4 hours a day near her home.

Running: A Key Aerobic Exercise That Burns Fat and Reduces Early Death Risk

Jin Seo-yeon's favorite exercise, running, is something anyone can easily do. Running, a typical aerobic exercise, burns both carbohydrates and fat, making it effective for losing and maintaining weight. This exercise keeps the heart rate high for a certain period, boosting metabolism and improving basal metabolic rate. Over time, this can lead to a body type that gains less weight. Running is also good for reducing swelling. Each step stimulates the soles of the feet, causing the muscles to quickly contract and relax, improving blood circulation.

Research also shows that running can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and death. According to a study by Victoria University in Australia, people who run at a speed of less than 8 km/h for 50 minutes once a week have about a 27% lower risk of early death compared to those who do not run at all. The risk of cardiovascular disease decreased by 30% and cancer by 23%.

For effective running, doing aerobic exercise on an empty stomach is an option. After 7-8 hours of sleep, there are no carbohydrates left in the body, so the liver and subcutaneous fat are used as energy first. However, running on an empty stomach for too long can lead to muscle loss as the body uses protein for energy. Diabetics should avoid fasting runs as it can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar.

Who Should Be Careful with Running? Beginners Should Start with Walking, Plantar Fasciitis Patients Should Pay Attention to Shoes

Despite its many health benefits and weight loss effects, some people need to be careful with running. Although it's a low-barrier exercise that can be done anytime and anywhere with just comfortable sneakers and clothes, excessive exercise can lead to injuries.

If you're new to running, gradually increase your exercise amount. It's good to start by walking for 30 minutes to an hour to build basic stamina before running. Running too fast can put stress on the body. It takes about 2-3 months for ligaments and tendons to strengthen. Start slow and allow your lower body to adapt to the impact.

People with weak knee bones or joints should also be careful. Walking and running put a load of 2-3 times your body weight on your knees, which can strain the joints and cartilage. To ensure knee stability, strengthen your thighs and calves with lower body exercises. If you have plantar fasciitis, the impact on your feet can be significant with each step, so wearing shoes with good cushioning is important. The plantar fascia is the muscle that absorbs the shock transmitted to the soles of the feet like a spring.

Warm-up and cool-down exercises before and after running are also important. Just 10 minutes of brisk walking before and after exercise can ensure safe workouts. Cool-down exercises help relieve fatigue by allowing lactic acid built up during running to dissipate. Stretching the soles of your feet before and after running can also relax the plantar fascia and surrounding muscles.